Prithvi isn't Indian version of '...Lord of Rings'

The director, however, to clarify the film is an Indian version of Hollywood blockbuster.

"First and foremost, this is not the Indian version of" The Lord of the Rings. " It's like kind of fantasy epic like "The Lord of the Rings" or "The Chronicles of Narnia", "Kire told IANS.

He said: "I've already started discussing with the technicians of" The Lord of the Rings "I can not say much .."

"Prithvi" is a symbol, an allegorical tale about the journey of a man to bring in a surreal country.

The film would be a mix of characters living in environments. Some brands are photorealistic CG images, the first of its kind in Indian cinema.

A famous proverb Gandhi inspired the film's story.

"The story is more Gandhi said -" It's not the devil in the world, but the devil in the mind that must be fought, "says Kireeti, to be sure that it would be exponentially higher budget films.

"It's certainly going to be a low-budget film very high, but I can not say exactly what it would be. I work in a lot of things right now," said Kireet.

Kireet currently in the process of talks with various producers, such as pre-production is underway.

"The film goes to the plant later this year. Most of us started talking to many producers to produce the film, he says.
The story is more on Gandhiji's saying - 'It's not the devils of the world, but the devil in one's mind that needs to be fought'," said Kireet, who is sure it would be an exponentially high budget film.
"It's surely going to be a very high budget film, but can't say how much exactly it would be. Working on many things right now," Said Kireet.
Currently Kireet is in the process of discussions with various producers as the pre-production is already underway.
"The film will go on the floor by year end. We have practically started talking with many producers to produce the film," he said.

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