Even as South star beamed over Supreme Court quashing all the 22 court cases filed against her alleged bohemian take on pre marital sex, she had fresh news to be elated over. Revathy Sharma has handpicked the South star to be cast alongside Amitabh Bachchan, no less, in her comeback flick to Hindi cinema, titled 'Mad Dad'! Incidentally, Revathy's initial plan was to cast Jaya Bachchan in a flick called 'Aap Ke Liye Hum' , but her plans were stalled for a while owing to Mrs Bachchan's prior commitments. Even as she readied to wait for JB, Revathy swiftly drummed up another script to showcase Mr. Bachchan. "My film 'Mad Dad' was written with Mr. Bachchan in mind, and is about a father and daughter relationship. It's based on my grandfather, who is by far the most youthful man that I've ever known." As regards casting Khushboo, she states, "I've known Khushboo for years and we've been friends, ever since." |
Khushboo Bags Bachchan
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