Bollywood actress Vidya Balan is fast becoming the preferred face of movies featuring sexual content and skin sample. He was reportedly cast as the character's real-life South India Silk Smitha mermaid in an upcoming project in Bollywood, Vidya Balan has been roped in Balaji Telefilms for his next film Ragini MMS, a film based on the MMS video clip was filmed in a school in New Delhi.
It was only a few days ago the media was in turmoil from the reports of Kangana Ranaut in the film after developing cold feet on the implementation of bold scenes and pay the minimum on the screen. Ekta Kapoor confirmed the reports of Kangana Ranaut to abandon the project because she was uncomfortable about the explicit content that was part of Ragini MMS. Kangana Ranaut was the initial choice of Ekta Kapoor Balaji Telefilms has delivered a big hit with the actress in 2010 Once Upon A Time In Mumbaai.
Kangana to leave the project, Ekta Kapoor was looking for a new wife for the leader Ragini MMS. And while representatives of Balaji Tele Films are reluctant to comment on Vidya Balan agree to play the role that was cast off by Kangana Ranaut, the media is buzzing with reports about the femme fatale of Bollywood to say yes Ekta Kapoor to.
It was only a few days ago the media was in turmoil from the reports of Kangana Ranaut in the film after developing cold feet on the implementation of bold scenes and pay the minimum on the screen. Ekta Kapoor confirmed the reports of Kangana Ranaut to abandon the project because she was uncomfortable about the explicit content that was part of Ragini MMS. Kangana Ranaut was the initial choice of Ekta Kapoor Balaji Telefilms has delivered a big hit with the actress in 2010 Once Upon A Time In Mumbaai.
Kangana to leave the project, Ekta Kapoor was looking for a new wife for the leader Ragini MMS. And while representatives of Balaji Tele Films are reluctant to comment on Vidya Balan agree to play the role that was cast off by Kangana Ranaut, the media is buzzing with reports about the femme fatale of Bollywood to say yes Ekta Kapoor to.