Mr. Kalaakaar Love You "will be a memorable film Amrita Rao for good and not so good reasons. It seems that when the actress was on set filming of his personal pieces of diamond jewelry worth Rs. 7 lakhs kick in his vanity van. It seems strange reasons, she still has not filed a complaint with the police.
Amrita wanted to bring together diamond, his talent with the brand of jewels she approves, for a scene in the movie because it went perfectly with his traditional attire.
When the diamond has been set anywhere, even if Van extensive research, and provide co-star Madhoo came to his rescue and lent his scene Amrita jewelry. It seems to have been a bit 'since it happened, but there is still no sign of a diamond. And theactress still waiting for someone to own up to the theft and not yet ready to submit a formal complaint with the police.
Amrita wanted to bring together diamond, his talent with the brand of jewels she approves, for a scene in the movie because it went perfectly with his traditional attire.
When the diamond has been set anywhere, even if Van extensive research, and provide co-star Madhoo came to his rescue and lent his scene Amrita jewelry. It seems to have been a bit 'since it happened, but there is still no sign of a diamond. And theactress still waiting for someone to own up to the theft and not yet ready to submit a formal complaint with the police.