Bollywood actor Tusshar Kapoor will be seen sharing screen space with Amrita Rao in the upcoming movie "Love U ... Mr. Kalakaar! He says was inspired by the work ethic of his co- star.
"He (Amrita) is a very professional. Person systematic, meticulous and detail oriented, I do not really know. So it was very motivating, very inspiring for me to work with him," the actress for 34 years, told IANS.
"Working with such an actor keeps you on tenterhooks all the time because someone is a perfectionist, can not make you want to do better."
This is the first time Tusshar and Amrita have worked together. 'Love U ... Mr. Kalakar! "It is directed by debutant S. Manasvi and scheduled for release May 13
"He (Amrita) is a very professional. Person systematic, meticulous and detail oriented, I do not really know. So it was very motivating, very inspiring for me to work with him," the actress for 34 years, told IANS.
"Working with such an actor keeps you on tenterhooks all the time because someone is a perfectionist, can not make you want to do better."
This is the first time Tusshar and Amrita have worked together. 'Love U ... Mr. Kalakar! "It is directed by debutant S. Manasvi and scheduled for release May 13