Bollywood actress Minissha Lamba was present at the opening day of the Cannes Film Festival 2011. The actor had not noticed that much, but he did not get on the red carpet fashion to the right. He wore a flowy, delicate Indian costumes created by designer duo Gauri Nainika. Subdued colored dress, has worked the best actress
Minissha was in Cannes to attend the midnight screening of Woody Allen in Paris.
Dress your champagne, the show was beautiful, perfect skin Minissha. Her makeup was done well and stayed with minimal accessories.
A carpet appearance has added more fashion blogs and criticism.
Minissha was in Cannes to attend the midnight screening of Woody Allen in Paris.
Dress your champagne, the show was beautiful, perfect skin Minissha. Her makeup was done well and stayed with minimal accessories.
A carpet appearance has added more fashion blogs and criticism.