After playing in Anjaana Anjani with Ranbir Kapoor and Bollywood Hero "with Hollywood actor Chris Kattan and Neha Dhupia, Miss India Pooja Kumar France will be next seen in" something for you "in front Ghosh Sat (Sam Ghosh has Faith in films as a wrapper, Machol Aankh (Hide and Seek), Astoria Park, The Big Catch, saving Hinduism La Table Bomb, Priya Find a date for prom, Dreamer, Burkina). The film stars Pooja Kumar, Juliana Fine Arts and Sam Ghosh in important roles. In this film, Pooja plays the character of a married woman, man is cheating on her.
After a cycle of success in the U.S. "All 4 You" will be released in India on May 13 '11. It 's the Indian-American romantic comedy written, directed and produced by Anand and composed by Karthik Raja Alagappan. The film has already won the Silver Award Ace [Best Film], Las Vegas Film Festival.
Buzz is that the next Pooja Kumar-conservatives see the lead actor Sam Worthington, James Cameron's Avatar.
After a cycle of success in the U.S. "All 4 You" will be released in India on May 13 '11. It 's the Indian-American romantic comedy written, directed and produced by Anand and composed by Karthik Raja Alagappan. The film has already won the Silver Award Ace [Best Film], Las Vegas Film Festival.
Buzz is that the next Pooja Kumar-conservatives see the lead actor Sam Worthington, James Cameron's Avatar.