Karthika, the daughter of yesteryear actress Radha debuted in Kollywood dream Superhit Tamil thriller "Ko" which Jiiva play the lead role. Directed by KV Anand, the film went on to create the cash registers ringing at the box office, and was even dubbed in Telugu as Rangam and witness the opening bumper.
The latest rumor is that the Khiladi Akshay Kumar has seen the movie and liked it so much he decided to remake the film in Hindi. Sources that have the same rights to remake Bollywood thriller KB Tamil is perhaps find a buyer for Rs crore!
Radha heard the news when she went to meet Akshay and asked him to leave Karthika adopt its role as a feisty journalist. Apparently, Akshay Kumar has agreed to do. Then we see another siren South debuts in the city of glitter?
The latest rumor is that the Khiladi Akshay Kumar has seen the movie and liked it so much he decided to remake the film in Hindi. Sources that have the same rights to remake Bollywood thriller KB Tamil is perhaps find a buyer for Rs crore!
Radha heard the news when she went to meet Akshay and asked him to leave Karthika adopt its role as a feisty journalist. Apparently, Akshay Kumar has agreed to do. Then we see another siren South debuts in the city of glitter?