Red Chillies Entertainment Creative Director - Production House SRK - none other than the Kanika Dhillon said recently in an opinion that King Khan is one of the few Bollywood producers who really want to grow young talent. Graduated from London School of Economics (LSE), says that when he first work in the city of Mumbai, he understood at once that he only wanted to work with SRK. "Look what he did, if it is ... and what it is today. His success story is a fairy tale! Dhillon says that comes from Amritsar.
She says Shahrukh Khan among the few filmmakers in the film industry of the city of garland, which always seeks to promote young talent and does not take account of their origin, age, experience or similar things like this . In the opinion of Kanika Dhillon, King Khan is a couple of people in the industry who has an idea of the younger generation and what they like or do not like is what makes him exactly what it is.
As Dhillon, seems to be preparing to launch his first novel is called "Bombay duck is a fish" on Monday. From what we've been able to tell the story of the book focuses on the life of a small town girl Neki Brar. The novel tells his story as he decides to leave his hideout in an international company who comes to Mumbai and try to become a filmmaker.
And that's not all. Like many other Indians, Neki is in love with Bollywood superstar SRK. In many ways the history of Neki is similar to that of Mr Dhillon.
She says Shahrukh Khan among the few filmmakers in the film industry of the city of garland, which always seeks to promote young talent and does not take account of their origin, age, experience or similar things like this . In the opinion of Kanika Dhillon, King Khan is a couple of people in the industry who has an idea of the younger generation and what they like or do not like is what makes him exactly what it is.
As Dhillon, seems to be preparing to launch his first novel is called "Bombay duck is a fish" on Monday. From what we've been able to tell the story of the book focuses on the life of a small town girl Neki Brar. The novel tells his story as he decides to leave his hideout in an international company who comes to Mumbai and try to become a filmmaker.
And that's not all. Like many other Indians, Neki is in love with Bollywood superstar SRK. In many ways the history of Neki is similar to that of Mr Dhillon.