He made a great debut in front of Katrina Kaif Salman Khan's ex-boyfriend. And for some time, Sonakshi Sinha (right), 24, was the news of his alleged Catfights with Kaif. But Sinha says that no bad blood between.
Supposedly, problems emerged after Sinha Kaif replaced in a few commercials and movies, that it was not funny. Shortly after the mother Sinha, Poonam, said: "It was very hard for her (Sonakshi) to work in a stuffy atmosphere."
But Sinha laugh all this off. "Like any other mother, I also reacted strongly. But I'm fine," he says. And what about the fact that he SMSed Kaif to explain his version of the story. Kaif reportedly did not respond. "It 's been a long time ago, and went at that time. All is well," said Sinha.
However, after the buzz that courted controversy from beginning to end, Salman asked him are low. "Forget about low profile, I have kept quiet because I had nothing to say. There is no problem," said Sinha.
Supposedly, problems emerged after Sinha Kaif replaced in a few commercials and movies, that it was not funny. Shortly after the mother Sinha, Poonam, said: "It was very hard for her (Sonakshi) to work in a stuffy atmosphere."
But Sinha laugh all this off. "Like any other mother, I also reacted strongly. But I'm fine," he says. And what about the fact that he SMSed Kaif to explain his version of the story. Kaif reportedly did not respond. "It 's been a long time ago, and went at that time. All is well," said Sinha.
However, after the buzz that courted controversy from beginning to end, Salman asked him are low. "Forget about low profile, I have kept quiet because I had nothing to say. There is no problem," said Sinha.