Superstar Shah Rukh Khan, who is special to every detail of his upcoming film Heroes ", RA. One of them," is depressed by the song "Will you be my Chammak Challo" from the film, sung by American R & B Akon, was leaked onto the Internet.
"It was the earlier version of the song. It is very unfortunate. I am very depressed that more depressed than other news I've heard. It was the trial. The original version is with us and I told everyone to take a little more cautious, "said Shah Rukh, who plays a superhero G movies.
"RA. A", directed by Anubhav Sinha, has Kareena Kapoor, who plays the female protagonist of the film, the serial number.
The salvation is that the earlier version of the song leaked and the final is always with him, "said Shah Rukh.
"I think we understood what the IP address has been compromised. When I come to catch the person that I cane sugar and continue to make him sing the song (laughs), he said.
"Internet Protocol (IP) Address from which the song was released, have been identified and we hope to get the person soon," he added.
Shah Rukh will release the soundtrack in late August and stated that the original version of "Challo Chammak" song came out officially.
"It was the earlier version of the song. It is very unfortunate. I am very depressed that more depressed than other news I've heard. It was the trial. The original version is with us and I told everyone to take a little more cautious, "said Shah Rukh, who plays a superhero G movies.
"RA. A", directed by Anubhav Sinha, has Kareena Kapoor, who plays the female protagonist of the film, the serial number.
The salvation is that the earlier version of the song leaked and the final is always with him, "said Shah Rukh.
"I think we understood what the IP address has been compromised. When I come to catch the person that I cane sugar and continue to make him sing the song (laughs), he said.
"Internet Protocol (IP) Address from which the song was released, have been identified and we hope to get the person soon," he added.
Shah Rukh will release the soundtrack in late August and stated that the original version of "Challo Chammak" song came out officially.