Ranbir Kapoor and Priyanka Chopra linked during the filming of "Anjaana Anjaani" but that friendship may have a difficult time. RK, and PC is now shooting a film with Anurag Basu "Barfi, and that's where the problems apparently started.
Reportedly, Priyanka is making fun of Ranbir numerous unconfirmed Affairs (since Katrina Kaif in her heroine "Rock Star" Nargis Fakhri) is a series of "Barfi". He is also believed alien cruz Ileana D ', which debuted in Hindi films with "Barfi" or stories.
One reason for the fact that Ranbir was believed to be upset about this was that he would not feel uncomfortable Ileana with her.
Previously, when his ex Deepika Padukone and Sonam Kapoor joked about his Casanova image "Koffee with Karan ', Ranbir's family was also very shocked.
Reportedly, Priyanka is making fun of Ranbir numerous unconfirmed Affairs (since Katrina Kaif in her heroine "Rock Star" Nargis Fakhri) is a series of "Barfi". He is also believed alien cruz Ileana D ', which debuted in Hindi films with "Barfi" or stories.
One reason for the fact that Ranbir was believed to be upset about this was that he would not feel uncomfortable Ileana with her.
Previously, when his ex Deepika Padukone and Sonam Kapoor joked about his Casanova image "Koffee with Karan ', Ranbir's family was also very shocked.